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Smart Bulb with Homekit

Smart Bulb with Homekit

There are17 products.
Smart Bulbs with HomekitHere you will find our category with our entire selection of smart bulbs and accessories that use Homekit, allowing them to be part of a home setup. These are all smart devices that can be used in various ways according to one's needs at home.Smart Devices and Homekit...
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    BGTH01-FGWEEU-021 Fibaro

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    BGTH01-FGWTFEU-021 Fibaro

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    BGTH01-FGWU-021 Fibaro

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    BGTH01-FGPB-101-4 Fibaro

    The FIBARO Button is a compact, battery-operated device compatible with Z-Wave Plus. It enables you to control devices via the Z-Wave network and execute various scenes set up in the FIBARO System.iaai

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    BGTH01-FGPB-101-5 Fibaro

    The FIBARO Button is a compact, battery-operated device compatible with Z-Wave Plus. It enables you to control devices via the Z-Wave network and execute various scenes set up in the FIBARO System.iaai

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    BGTH01-FGPB-101-6 Fibaro

    The FIBARO Button is a compact, battery-operated device compatible with Z-Wave Plus. It enables you to control devices via the Z-Wave network and execute various scenes set up in the FIBARO System.iaai

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    BGTH01-FGPB-101-2 Fibaro

    The FIBARO Button is a compact, battery-powered device compatible with Z-Wave Plus. It enables you to control devices via the Z-Wave network and execute various scenes set up in the FIBARO System.iaai

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    BGTH01-FGPB-101-1 Fibaro

    The FIBARO Button is a compact, battery-operated device compatible with Z-Wave Plus. It enables you to control devices via the Z-Wave network and execute various scenes set up in the FIBARO System.iaai

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    BGTH01-FGPB-101-3 Fibaro

    The FIBARO Button is a compact, battery-operated device compatible with Z-Wave Plus. It enables you to control devices via the Z-Wave network and execute various scenes set up in the FIBARO System.iaai

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    BGTH01-FGPB-101-8 Fibaro

    The FIBARO Button is a compact, battery-operated device compatible with Z-Wave Plus. It enables you to control devices via the Z-Wave network and execute various scenes set up in the FIBARO System.iaai

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    BGTH01-FGBHPB-101-1 Fibaro

    The FIBARO Button is a compact, battery-operated wireless controller that supports HomeKit and uses Bluetooth® low energy technology. It enables you to manage HomeKit accessories through Automations.iaai

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    BGTH01-FGWOF-011 Fibaro

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    BGTH01-FGBHPB-101-3 Fibaro

    The FIBARO Button is a compact, battery-operated wireless controller that is compatible with HomeKit and uses Bluetooth® low energy technology. It enables you to manage HomeKit accessories through Automations.iaai

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    BGTH01-FGBHPB-101-2 Fibaro

    The FIBARO Button is a compact, battery-operated wireless controller that supports HomeKit and uses Bluetooth® low energy technology. It enables you to manage HomeKit accessories through Automations.iaai

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    BGTH01-PSP05-B Philio tech

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Smart Bulb with Homekit

Smart Bulbs with Homekit

Here you will find our category with our entire selection of smart bulbs and accessories that use Homekit, allowing them to be part of a home setup. These are all smart devices that can be used in various ways according to one's needs at home.

Smart Devices and Homekit

The fact that these are smart devices means that they can be connected to Wi-Fi and accessed through an app on your iPhone or through a central device like Homekit, which can manage information to and from different devices and control various setups.

Having a central control unit makes it significantly easier to set up your smart home, especially if you have more than just a few devices. Instead of setting up each device individually, it is practical to be able to set them all up at once.

Options for Smart Bulbs

When it comes to smart bulbs, we have a variety of options in this category that can meet your needs. There are different possibilities depending on what you want the bulb to be capable of, and of course, there is also a difference in price depending on its features.

A smart bulb can be very useful if you want better control over your energy consumption at home. With your iPhone, you can easily turn it on, off, and monitor its usage. This makes it much easier to set an appropriate lighting level throughout the house, even when you're not at home.

Similarly, a smart bulb with Homekit allows you to create different lighting setups around the house. So, if you want dim lighting in the bedroom but bright lighting in the bathroom, you can easily make those combinations with a single type of bulb.

Furthermore, it also provides flexibility as you can always change the setup whenever you want. For example, you can create more exciting colors for a party or set a romantic ambiance for a cozy dinner.

Other Smart Devices for Lighting

In addition to dedicated smart bulbs, there are various smart devices that indirectly assist with lighting. Different smart outlets make it easier to control everything connected to power outlets in your home, such as floor lamps and televisions.

With such devices, it becomes even easier to control when the power is turned on or off throughout your home. You can easily group your electrical devices in different rooms using the same smart outlet, allowing you to turn them all on or off simultaneously.

This also provides a great opportunity to monitor the energy consumption of different devices. By simply opening your app, you can see how much power has been used on each individual smart outlet, enabling you to regulate your energy usage.

Enhanced Security with Smart Devices

Smart devices are also extremely practical for security purposes. You can use smart bulbs as a deterrent by having them turn on and off at different intervals. This can be particularly useful when you're on vacation and want to create the illusion that someone is home.

Additionally, there are various smart devices specifically designed to function as alarm systems. These can range from smart sirens to indoor cameras that can monitor specific angles and send the footage directly to your iPhone for you to view.

With cameras covering different angles, you can have strong protection for your home, allowing you to react almost immediately. At the same time, you can be sure to see who is moving around your property, even if they don't enter your home.

Furthermore, the siren itself is a formidable deterrent, as very few would dare to continue a break-in with it blaring in their ears.


All in all, there are many great options in this category that can make life easier, whether it's about saving electricity or adding extra protection. For more details, you can read further on the individual pages.
