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iPhone SE

iPhone SE

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iPhone SE has been released and here's what it can do.  iPhone SE is an iPhone 6s in an iPhone 5s's precipitation, meaning it has the same speed, with graphics cards and processor from the latest iPhone 6s, as well as a lot of the other new features such as the new 12MP camera and the...
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iPhone SE

iPhone SE has been released and here's what it can do. 

iPhone SE is an iPhone 6s in an iPhone 5s's precipitation, meaning it has the same speed, with graphics cards and processor from the latest iPhone 6s, as well as a lot of the other new features such as the new 12MP camera and the lightning-fast fingerprint reader. 

But the iPhone SE has the same design as the iPhone 5s, which means that all accessories that work with the iPhone 5s also work with the iPhone SE.

Apple calls this "The strongest 4" phone ever"; it has to be said to be very true, since Apple is the only one making powerful 4" smartphones and the iPhone SE is the quickest of its kind. 

iPhone SE takes video in 4k as its big brother, it supports Live Photos but costs nothing less than its big brother, in denmark it is set to less than 4000kr without subscription etc.

iPhone SE comes with Apple A9 chip, m9 motion chip, 12MP camera and the same 4" retina screen as the iPhone 5s. iPhone SE is 2x faster than iPhone 5s and 3x faster with graphics. 

iPhone SE also supports the new stand types within Wifi and 3g LTE(4g), up to 150 mbps mobile network and up to 433 mbps wifi with 11.802ac.

The accessories here are ready for your iPhone SE, so you'll make the most of the new little wonder.